Debating Society

Debating Society

Dive deep into new perspectives, challenge yourself and your ideas, and open up to the world.

The debating society is a society in which we will discuss social, psychological, philosophical, political, moral, and religious beliefs and ideas, with some regulations and rules to maximize the benefits and knowledge earned by every member and visitor.  

Our goal is to raise the hidden voices, and open people's eyes to new prospects. The debating society is a society made up for those who seek freedom, a freedom that cannot be lost, which is the freedom from our own ignorance.


We will arrange meetings every two weeks. Meetings may include debates, modern logic lessons, and a brief history of a philosophical idealogy.

Contact Us

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Become a member of Debating Society

Debating Society
Dive deep into new perspectives, challenge yourself and your ideas, and open up to the world.

Committee Members
Chairperson:sharaf almubarak
Treasurer:Almoatasim Alshabibi
Events Manager:Rakan Alanazy
Events Manager:Furat Alamri
Advisor to the Chair:Zahar Alshaikh
July 27th
Kerry Campus