Fighting Games (FGC) Society

Fighting Games (FGC) Society

Want to meet people, compete, and travel? Join the Fighting Games Society Today!

This society is THE place to go for all who's interested in fighting games and FGC culture. We aim to enable students to enrich their competitive spirit, and to meet up with a friendly group of people willing to improve themselves. The society is open to people of all skill levels, no matter their knowledge or familiarity with the genre. All sorts of fighting games will be available, so don't be afraid to get involved!

We plan to enable members to travel the country, and get a chance to compete alongside other members representing their college all over Ireland. This involves events in Cork, Galway, Dublin, and Belfast. 

Whether you're only familiar with mainstream titles like Street Fighter and Tekken, into more niche titles, or you're just beginning to learn about the genre, this society is for you! 

You can join our Discord server to learn more. We have a starter guide for any beginners, and we will post any updates through there.

Join through this link:

Contact Us

Discord server link:

Co-Chairman Brandon Hurley:

Co-Chairman Hassan Al-Namer:

Become a member of Fighting Games (FGC) Society

Fighting Games (FGC) Society
Want to meet people, compete, and travel? Join the Fighting Games Society Today!

Committee Members
Chairman:Brandon Hurley
January 18th
Kerry Campus