Tea Society

Tea Society

The most tea-riffic socie-tea in MTU!!

Meet up and socialise with other MTU students over a cup of tea at MTU Kerry Tea Socie-tea. We try a different type of tea every week and have a chat over it. A casual, relaxed society that's always welcoming to new members!! No pressure to attend every meeting or event. Tea and hot water is provided but please remember to bring your own reusable cup. We currently have 18 members making us a medium-sized society in the college.

We will be starting up again in September 2024!! Click the turquoise sign up button to become a member and follow our Instagram account for updates. We have various events in store for next semester. Stay tuned…



Contact Us

Any questions contact mtukteasociety@gmail.com or DM our Instagram.

Become a member of Tea Society

Tea Society
The most tea-riffic socie-tea in MTU!!

Committee Members
Co-Chairperson:Rosie Butter
Co-Chairperson:Mary ellen Cahill
Ordinary Committee Member:Ryan Buchanan
Public Relations Officer:Raine Webb
February 5th
Kerry Campus